The logistical process

Doesburg Components knows how important a reliable delivery of essential components is to its customers. Besides a constant supply with high-quality products this means a reliable in-time delivery directly to the assembly line of the customer. That is why we spend much time and effort on the logistics path of our products.

The direct delivery of the needed components to the assembly line is of vital importance to our customers. Therefore, the required component can be delivered any day at any moment desired. To ensure this service we keep a buffer of specific components from which we can deliver immediately. We maintain a direct digital connection with various customers, which allows for a great flexibility. We employ our own forwarding agency that ensures an accurate and safe delivery of the requested products. Some of the logistics features matching Doesburg Components are:

- EDI (Forecast, Shipment, Invoice)
- J.I.T. ,  Daily Delivery  
- Kanban delivery
- Supplier Net, AX4, Supply-on

Packaging currently makes up an essential part of the end product, since it is vital for guaranteeing quality. Furthermore, many customers demand security and cleanliness. After industrial cleaning, products can be specially wrapped in VCI bags. What matters here is the wish to waste as little material as possible. Together with the customer we look for the best possible way of packaging. For example, we make use of special product-dedicated stillages in which products rotate between Doesburg Components, the paint shop and the customer and are re-utilized constantly.